Amir KC was born in 2034 BS as a second son to no other than Mr. Shyam Krishna KC and Mrs. Rama KC in Kathmandu. He was involved in art from his childhood in school and won a prize from Lt. Queen Aiswarya. At home, he always watched his father’s involvement in Chhwali art. He started assisting his father in collecting and preparing Chhwali and started his own Chhwali art as a portrait of Reggae King “Bob Marley” in 2051 BS. It took him 5 months and 15 days to finish “Bob Marley”. He took the footstep of his father and continued to work on the Chhwali art. He has opened KC’s Art Gallery to manage and organize the Chhwali art made by his father and himself.
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Chhwali (Wheat Straw) Art is such that it requires tremendous amount of skill, patience and perseverance. Creating a picture is a tiring process, as even the minutest details have to be kept in mind. Straw has to be cut in tiny pieces according to the effect of light and dark. it is used in its original form & no colour is added to it. Each work of art can take about 2 to 11 months to be completed, depending on the structure of subject.
This art will instill in you a strange sense of peace…. feeling of relief and lightness. It will alleviate your pain… Your depression and stress and a bright aura of beauty will surround your entire being.
This art can be viewed from many dimensions. Looking at it in different lights portrays a different reflection. Each light helps in enhancing a particular aspect of the art. If it is seen in the night light a completely different taste and charm of art is experienced.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
History of wheat straw art